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Book a meal plan/information consultation today and make sure you’re eating to meet your goals and needs, with our 98% accurate InBody Scale we can design a perfect plan just for you!

Shayler Sym also provides $60 informative consultations that go over getting started with healthy eating, how to start seeing change incorporating supplements and foods and answering any other questions you might have! 

Shayler Sym Hickey LLC, Sports Nutrition Certified
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  • Not recommended for new clients.

  • No Consult or Info given

  • 1 InBody Scale Scan

  • Or unlimited monthly

Scale Scan informs you of your body fat percentage, muscle mass, etc. 

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  • 98% accurate to fit you

  • 2 InBody Scale Scans 

  • 30+ minute consultation

  • Before & After photos 

  • Monthly fee of $120 to continue to alter plan, ask questions and maintain physique. 

Personalized meal plan based off of your basal metabolic rate & total daily expenditure. 30+ minute consultation going over plan and answering any questions you might have , one free scale scan with purchase of initial payment.  Monthly follow up on meal plan or to alter calories to continue to make progress is $120. In the consultation we go over the clients habits, food intake and schedule to make sure the plan is set up to fit their lifestyles and daily regimens. We also make sure the foods that are in the plan fit their liking but also play a part in their physique goals.


Meal plans provided are for structured guidance and are not based on diagnosis, intended as a form of treatment or a prescribed plan, or provided as a cure. Please contact a healthcare provider before setting up a consultation if you have health issues. 

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  • No consultation needed

  • Ideal for moderate to experienced client that knows how to count/log calories.

  • Plan emailed with calories based on clients goals.

  • 1 FREE InBody Scale Scan after initial scan.

  • Calories given according to goals.

Schedule consultation now to configure your calories! 

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  • 98% accurate to fit you

  • 2 InBody Scale Scans 

  • Second consultation FREE for meal plan alterations. (plan must be closely followed for at least two months.)

  • Measurements 

  • Before & After photo

  • 30+ minute informative consultation

  • 24 hour email & text for questions and concerns first month. 

  • Monthly fee of $180 to continue texts support and meal plan alterations and maintenance.  

Personalized meal plan based off of your basal metabolic rate & total daily expenditure. 30+ minute consultation going over plan and answering any questions you might have , one free scale scan with purchase of initial payment.  Second month follow up on meal plan or to alter calories, switch foods and to continue to make progress is included free with this plan. Client will also get measurements taken prior to the plan and two months after plan is given. In the consultation we go over the clients habits, food intake and schedule to make sure the plan is set up to fit their lifestyles and daily regimens. We also make sure the foods that are in the plan fit their liking but also play a part in their physique goals.


Meal plans provided are for structured guidance and are not based on diagnosis, intended as a form of treatment or a prescribed plan, or provided as a cure. Please contact a healthcare provider before setting up a consultation if you have health issues. 

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  • Easy to follow

  • No consultation needed.

  • TDEE Calories given 

  • Calories given based on goals.

  • 1 FREE InBody Scale Scan after initial scan.

  • Recommend ounces and grams for clients body type based on their goals.

  • Client creates meals with food recommendations listed.

  • Small variety of proteins, carbs and fats.

  • Plan does not include how to place calories or how to structure.

  • Not as customized and in depth as plans below. 

Customized meal menu with information. Plan offers different protein, carbs and fat options based on the height ,weight and age for a client to give better direction and guidance.



Meal plans provided are for structured guidance and are not based on diagnosis, intended as a form of treatment or a prescribed plan, or provided as a cure. Please contact a healthcare provider before setting up a consultation if you have health issues. 

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